pansies & tulips
“Kids love the story of the fairy that lives in the pansy flower that Lauren Crosby made up. She would tell the story to kids during field trips to Vineyard Gardens. First she would carefully peel the outer 5 petals, one at a time. Exposing the female reproductive structure standing tall in the center. This was the fairy that lived inside the pansy.” -Chris Wiley, owner&founder at Vineyard Gardens Nursery
Pansies & Violas are of the genus Viola. The original plant species was viola tricolor, a wildflower of Europe and Central Asia. To the modern horticulturist, the pansy is the larger of the two flowering cultivars. The pansy is a hybrid plant cultivated as a garden flower. The name pansy is derived from the word pensee meaning “thought” and was regarded as a symbol of remembrance.
Both do well in full sun or partial shade and need well drained soil. They like cool weather and can survive light frosts, snow and even sometimes overwinter. They are one of the first flowers available in spring.
They tend to get long and leggy in the heat of summer. Dead heading will extend bloom.
They dry beautifully when laid flat within pages of heavy books, and once dried can be used to make cards or other art projects.