An idyllic day at Vineyard Gardens. Fall in all it’s glory! Thank you for all your support. We had a great turnout and beautiful day! Thank you to Keith Kurman for photographing the event in all its splendor.
The wonderful buffet of chili’s, homemade cornbread and pies
Brian and Irene run the food concession
Chris Wiley brought her ukulele band as the entertainment, The Princess Poo-Pooly Ukelele Group
The first steps towards re-purposing House One from annual color to overwintering our hardy evergreens
Craft tables for the kiddies; pumpkin painting, succulent planting, under Debbie’s able guidance
Miniature arrangements in baby pumpkins
Pumpkins worthy of the Modern Art Museum!
Making bird feeders
Cathy James overseeing the mini pumpkin flower arrangements
A little arrangement
Thumbs up to our Landscape crew, we’re glad to have you back!
A perfect setting for a photoshoot
Dining al fresco in the Herb display garden. A well attended event with perfect weather!
...and the band plays on!
Ornamental kales ready to be planted out providing color for the rest of the season
Ornamental Kale with miniature ‘Teddy Bear’ Sunflowers
Mum’s the word!
Some of the wonderful late season plants; Cobea scandens in hanging baskets
We all really love the Fall palette
In the Display Gardens; Autumn Crocus, Sedum and ferny fennel
Monarch caterpillars like to eat the Fennel, we planted Butterfly plants, Aesclepias incarnata, nearby to attract them
Asters are at their flowery best in October, here is Aster tartaricus with New England Aster in the background
We grow many open pollinated Dahlias from seed every year which bring many surprises in flower shape and color, like this un-named beauty.
One of our guests, Bryan Rosa enjoying a visit with a Monarch caterpillar
The Display Gardens in the Autumn Light