Just in time for Mother’s Day! We have a variety of Hibiscus, Mandevillas, Bougainvillea, Calla Lily, Gardenias and so much more!

Agapanthus Midknight Blue

Agapanthus, Queen Anne

Bougainvillea Oo-la-la

Bougainvillea Purple Queen topiary

Calla Lily Captain Solo

Calla Lily, Zantedeschia White

Calla Lily, Zantedeschia Captain Black

Colocasia Black Coral

Ctenanthe setosa (L), Canna indica lon01 (R)

Cuphea hyssopifolia

Gardenia, Everblooming



Euryops, Green Leaved

Helianthus x annus

Hibiscus Fiesta

Hibiscus Red Darling

Hibbiscus, Hula Girl

Hibiscus Jazzy Jewel Amber

Lantana Tangerine

Mandevilla Coral Pink


Mandevilla Pretty Pink


Monstera Deliciosa Tauerii

Monstera Deliciosa tauerii

Star Jasmine, Trachelospermum jasminoides

Star Jasmine, Trachelospermum jasminoides

Lily of the Nile, Twister

Topical plants add a lush element to your gardens and patios
To create this tRopical oasis:
Opt for large leaves / brightly colored flowers / vertical growth (climbers)
An option is to grow them in containers set down in to the soil to make it easy to bring them indoors for the winter.