Spring is a very busy and productive time at Vineyard Gardens. Our landscape division crews are already out doing spring clean ups. Our in-house production is busy planting bulbs, liners, bare root perennials, roses, trees and shrubs. The nursery is in full swing unloading truck full of plants from New Jersey, Virginia and Oregon. And the early spring flowers, like pansies and pieris japonica, are in their full bloom glory.

We also just put the poppy’s and primulas outside to harden off and we have our usual beautiful crop of 5” perennials. It is an exciting time of year!

We always start a bountiful selection of leafy salad greens

We always start a bountiful selection of leafy salad greens

We recycle. sterilizing plastic growing containers and trays

Labeling is critical from day one! As plants are potted up, each one has to be accurately labeled.

St. Patrick's Day is traditionally when you plant your peas out in the garden. If you missed it we've got you covered. Peas like to do most of their growth in cool temperatures

Leafy greens like cooler temperatures to produce quick, tender leaves for your salads and cooking. the earlier you get them in the ground the better!

Seedling production using plug trays

Getting strawberries started early is important for this season's production. We give them a jump start but you should be planting them out as soon as we're 'frost-free'.

In the Fall, any bulbs left unsold get potted up and forced for Spring color.

We have become well known for our well grown Delphiniums. Here they are early in the season

Perennial production House 4

Growing on 4in perennials, its economical to buy your perennials early in smaller sizes. better for the plants too!

Our Landscape Division are already out there doing Spring Cleanups, if you haven't set yours up yet, call the office today!

Pansies are in full color at the nursery!


Written by Keith Kurman

We will still be taking care of our gardens, getting ready for the growing season, a great thing to be doing while 'staying home'. "We must all cultivate our gardens." Photo credit: Keith Kurman

Welcome to shut-down

This COVID-19 quarantine is such a strange phenomenon, something I never really thought would happen in our lifetimes. It all seemed to happen so quickly, though it’s been rolling out over several months, kinda like a car crash, seemingly unfolding slowly, methodically and as if predetermined however over in a matter of seconds. Then there is the aftermath that IS long and arduous, where everything you hadn’t considered has to be dealt with systematically, periodically interrupted by flashbacks and questions as to how we got here and those things that will never be the same.

What do we do now? Here at Vineyard Gardens we are trying to stay calm and carry on.

Over in Landscape Division, just now in our busiest time of the year, we are forced to shut-down, pulling our trucks off jobs sites and laying off newly hired workers. This will be going on at this point for an undermined period of time. Going forward, all our landscape clients will need to understand that schedules are interrupted and when we are able to be back on the roads we will be scrambling to catch up. Please be patient.

At the Nursery/Garden Center we’re a bit “tail over tea kettle” because in nursery growing production “time waits for no one!” There is a very narrow window of time in which plants need to be ready to plant out. One thing we pride ourselves on is Island-Grown! We start most of our dazzling array of plants from seeds, plugs and divisions, to do so planning and timing are everything. Despite this unforeseen ‘cease and desist’ order ALL of our 15 greenhouses are FULL of young plants itching to get in the ground! We’ve had to quickly adapt to the new time frames and modified demand. We will be working to be sure that when the lock-down is over we will have plants ready to go for all your gardening needs.

At home, Nasturtiums are an easy plant to grow from seed and it's delicious and nutritious! Photo credit: Keith Kurman

You won't be seeing this familiar sight around for a while. Photo credit: Keith Kurman

Don't these look delicious! Mustard Greens, Tat-Soi, Red and Leafy Green Lettuces and Frisée we'll be making lots of these this year, ready to go salad garden. Photo credit: Keith Kurman

Luckily sound minds have prevailed and the Garden Center has set-up an on-line ordering and pick-up system that allows customers to place orders for materials and swing by to pick them up. You can find the order form here.

One amazing thing that may come of this is that government officials will come to realize that local nurseries must be classed as “essential services”! Yes,under the circumstances, with this shut down, which may continue for some time, our food delivery chain may be interrupted. We may be forced to “grow our own” where heretofore this was a quaint aphorism now becomes a question of necessity. To do that home farmers will need supplies and materials that can only be gotten at your local nursery. This would include in many cases, compost, tools, fertilizers, pest controls and not in the least, plants and seeds!

We will be following up with posts addressing the questions we will be needing to address as we are forced to shift our priorities and adopt new approaches to thinking and our way of life.

One thing is made clear, gardening may be essential to meeting our survival needs but it is also a living metaphor for our essential natures and our connection to our fragile and generous home, Earth. Gardening is one of the things we can do that completes us and infects no one.

Tools and fertilizers are some of the 'essential services' that your local nurseries provide. Write a letter to the town concil and let them know, thanks! Photo credit: Keith Kurman

Wildflowers are sprouting up all over the place, it's okay during the 'shut down' to walk in the woods, look up, look down, look all around... life is happening. Trillium grandiflorum and Mertensia virginica. Photo credit: Keith Kurman

This is spring at Vineyard Gardens

Gorgeous pictures of our beautiful in-house spring production taken by our talented in-house photographer, Keith Kurman.

Forget me not’s


red leaf lettuce

tat soi (miniature Chinese cabbage-like).

spicy micro greens

mustard greens

musk melons

mixed mesclun greens


The Delphiniums are coming right along!

House 4, 5” perennials

In the seeding house, we grow most of our veggies and greens here on site from trusted seed sources. We also grow all those other interesting and unusual annuals you find at VG.